Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring Break!

March 19-23=Spring Break, for us CSUMB students, staff and faculty!  Many like myself are looking forward to this date. Some can't wait to go back home and visit family, some have an exciting vacation trip, and some simply want some time to themselves away from school. This post is particularly addressed for those who will be traveling during spring break. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has posted on their website this very helpful article, Stay Healthy and Safe on Spring Break about measurements to take in order to enjoy and have a healthy and safe spring break.

If you are traveling abroad consider the following tips and use them as a checklist and resource for planning your trip!

  • Vaccination before vacation
  • Travel health insurance.
  • Active vacations. 
  • You are what you eat.
  • Is it worth the risk?
  • Travel wise.
  • Politics, politics.
It is recommended by the CDC that you do some research and anticipate whether you need certain vaccinations deemed to be necessary by the country abroad. If this of interest they provided a link to travel clinic. It also points out that some insurance may not cover you abroad so emergency insurance may be needed. If you are going on an active vacation that may deal with extreme activities, be as careful and cautious. Training and proper equipment is recommended for extreme activities. I would say the best part about traveling abroad is the food! With this said, again the CDC suggest being cautious to avoid illness or other diseases. The article specifically states, "In developing countries, eat only food that has been fully cooked and served hot. Avoid eating fresh vegetables and fruits, unless you can peel them yourself". The "is it worth risk" tip, refers to making wise decisions about your behavior. I think this was listed with a particular audience in mind, for teenagers and college students. The article list examples such as, having unprotected sex and the risks, getting tattoos and piercings abroad, and drinking and driving. They state, "The phrase "what happens on spring break stays on spring break" can imply that it is okay—even expected—to engage in risky behaviors that you would not normally consider in your daily life, but you should take your healthy behaviors on vacation with you". Last but not least the article reminds us to travel wisely and remember basic things such as putting on sunscreen and being cautious of our surroundings, with that being said, taking politics into consideration. Politics? I asked myself that same question but in some countries the current politics of that country can put you at risk which is why the CDC referenced, "The US Department of State website, to help travelers gauge the political climate of unstable countries".

Keep these tips in mind and I hope you enjoy your break wherever it may be at!

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